ABRaS is a Dubai based running group primarily focused on endurance running. The training offered is aimed at road running from distances of 5k to the marathon. ABRaS train all year round and adapt training to prevailing weather conditions. Our training programs focus primarily on the local UAE racing calendar, but specific overseas races e.g. New York and London Marathons, are also considered in the training and advice offered. Although the training may be considered hard, it is flexible and can accommodate all ranges of ability. A typical road training session includes: a session briefing, warm-up (3 – 5km), session and warm-down. Typical road sessions cover a total distance of 10 – 12k in the summer and 15 – 20 km in the winter. Track sessions typically include: a session briefing, warm-up (3k), drills, strides, session, optional short tempo run and warm-down.